The band Electric Lecture started one summer night in 2019 at the Hunnypot podcast. While standing out front of the Mint nightclub, Greg Ansin asked Bronson Taalbi, “if he had rehearsal space?” Bronson said, “No.” So the journey began..
The story of Electric Lecture started in 1991, in Massachusetts. Before Bronson was even born. Anthony J. Resta, the third member of the group, produced a record called “Secede” for a band called Sleight of Hand. Greg played guitar in that group. They have been friends and making music since that time.
Back to today.
Anthony has earned twelve RIAA certified gold and multi-platinum awards for bands such Durran Durran, Collective Soul and Shawn Mullins. He is a multi instrument musician with an addiction to guitar pedals.
Greg has produced many films; documentaries and horror (Drive-In Horrorshow and Infinite Santa 8000) . He has written songs with a variety of artists. Plus at one point in late 1990 started a website computer company.
Bronson is a master guitarist. Along with his brother, Preston, they are the “Taalbi Brother.” Their energetic music has been featured in Breaking Bad and Dancing with the Stars. Bronson plays almost every instrument.
The debut album is a reflection of what came out that time in the rehearsal space. “Bronson and I would get together once a week and just make music.” Greg explains. “Sometimes, we’d have a few chords, or maybe a loop from some app or maybe just jam and that would somehow turn into a song.” That is how the song writing process began. “Once we have a good demo; we'll show it to Anthony and he'll help us with his musical magic.”
One of the first songs they wrote was “Reverse evolution. We want a war. Find a solution? We just want the war.” Bronson and Greg sing drunkenly in the chorus. This lyric says a lot about the state of some people in the world; Set in their ways instead of welcoming change. “The ship is sinking!” Bronson sings out as overdriven guitar harmonies steal you away for a monster hook that you’ll welcome as an earworm for days to come.
Anthony Resta explains, “ I grew up listening to the Beatles, Tom Petty, the Beach Boys, especially pet sounds. I love adventurous sonic innovators like Beck and Bjork. I feel like Electric Lecture is a wonderful vehicle for me to express myself in the purest musical way I can. It's all a dream really.”
“What if it all works out? My favorite conspiracy is....” Bronson belts on the track “What if?” This song takes a positive spin on such a divisive topic. The song was inspired from a guitar riff recorded on Anthony's iPhone. It is used in the track.
“We try to not take ourselves too seriously,” Greg explains about the song writing process. “But it's hard not to sometimes. We just want to speak up. So we try to keep the words light with an underlying message.”
“I feel like we really tapped into the spirit of the experimental Beatle albums”, says Anthony. “ I think when Bronson and I sing together there is kind of a Beach Boys like sonic quality about the texture .... overall there’s really a wonderful chemistry between us.”
Their debut album was produced by the band members and mixed by Karyadi Sutedja. Mastered by Brain Lucey. Jeff Gray, a good friend and great guitarist, lent his writing and guitar to a few tracks. Asia Renee Smith and Shawn Holland helped out with the writing of “All I need.”
Electric Lecture is excited to bring their music to the world.